Category Archives: Uncategorized

Google Mobile Web Specialist Certification and Codelabs

Well, this looks interesting: Google Mobile Web Specialist Certification

Certification has gotten a bad rap at times, but I think there’s still value in pursuing certification. There’s no substitute for on-the-job experience with technologies, of course, but the curriculum and certification gives one an idea of the skills and knowledge needed in a subject.

Google Codelabs are small projects that provide hands-on experience with various parts of the Google Cloud and other technologies. Some of them look a bit obscure (well, compared to my interests), but a few look like must-sees, like Your First Progressive Web App or YouTube in Your App.

BoingBoing – ‘Myers-Briggs personality test deemed expensive and silly’

BoingBoing amusingly introduces a Digg article by Merve Emre by saying

The Myers-Briggs personality test is the internet’s sorting hat, beloved of twittering nerds, Tumblr addicts and Facebook oversharers alike (I’m in House ESFPI)…

Emre’s biggest criticism of the MBTI cult is one I share – the idea that the MBTI type is fixed and immutable, rather than a useful description of your preferences and mindset at the moment you’re taking the test – excuse me, the “indicator”.