Android development Guided Projects on Coursera

I’ve been working for Google for 3 1/2 years, but I’ve never done any Android development.

One of my work development goals this year is to build a mobile app using the Maps SDK for Android. I’m not challenging myself to build an app from scratch, because I’m not that interested in mobile app development. I just intend to build an app and extend it a little bit.

Happily, has a series of short Guided Projects on Android app building. These look like they’ll be just what I need to get some understanding of Android app development:

Projects in Series 1:

  1. Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java
  2. Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio
  3. Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio
  4. Build a Relative Layout App in Android Studio
  5. Build a Table Layout App in Android Studio

Projects in Series 2:

  1. Build an App in Android Studio using Resources
  2. Build an App in Android Studio using Static Files
  3. Build an App in Android Studio using Read – Write
  4. Build an App in Android Studio using onTouch
  5. Build an App in Android Studio using Activities

Projects in Series 3:

  1. Access CSV in an Android Studio Project
  2. Access SQLite in an Android Studio Project
  3. Access WebView in an Android Studio Project
  4. Access NFC in an Android Studio Project
  5. Access Maps in an Android Studio Project

There are a couple more Guided Projects outside this sequence that also look interesting:

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